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"Lekol Yish Yesh Shem"

My Old New Land

''Every Man Has a Name'' is a Hebrew poem penned by the Israeli poet Zelda (1914-1984) and was published in 1974.

The poem draws inspiration from an excerpt from the Parasha Vayakhel, elucidating the commandments for establishing the Tabernacle.

It articulates:

"A person has three names:

One that he is called by his father and mother;

One that people know him by,

And one he acquires for himself.”*

This poem stands out among Zelda's notable works and is often recited or sung during Yom Hashoah ceremonies in Israel. It aims to restore the names and individuality of the millions of people who perished during the Shoah.

The song version made its debut through Chava Elberstein on her album "Like a Wild Plant" (1975) and can be enjoyed on this YouTube video.

For the complete lyrics, you can find them in Hebrew on this link.

Lechol ish yesh shem

shenatan lo elohim

venatnu lo aviv ve'imo

Lechol ish yesh shem

shenatnu lo komato

ve'ofen chiyucho

venatan lo ha'arig

Lechol ish yesh shem

shenatnu lo heharim

venatnu lo k'talav

Lechol ish yesh shem

shenatnu lo hamazalot

venatnu lo shchenav

Lechol ish yesh shem

shenatnu lo chat'av

venatna lo k'mihato

Lechol ish yesh shem

shenatnu lo son'av

venatna lo ahavato

Lechol ish yesh shem

shenatnu lo chagav

venatna lo mel'achto

Lechol ish yesh shem

shenatnu lo tkufot hashanah

venatan lo ivrono

Lechol ish yesh shem

shenatan lo hayam

venatan lo moto.


*את מוצא שלשה שמות נקראו לו לאדם, אחד מה שקוראים לו אביו ואמו, ואחד מה שקוראין לו בני אדם, ואחד מה שקונה הוא לעצמו. טוב מכולן מה שקונה הוא לעצמו.


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